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Response to Climate Change

The Group recognizes the problem of climate change as a key social issue. We believe that it poses a risk to the Group, while also presenting new business opportunities. Accordingly, through our business activities, we will contribute to the realization of a transition to a decarbonized society.

Our Concept of Climate Change

  • ●As a global manufacturing partner, the Group will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society through the distribution of eco-friendly electronic and other materials.
  • ●In our business activities, we aim to achieve a 50% reduction by FY2030 from the level of the Group’s Scope 1 + Scope 2 GHG emissions in FY2021, and further aim to achieve carbon neutrality by FY2050.


Governance related to climate change is incorporated into our overall sustainability-related governance. With regard to issues related to climate change, working groups covering climate change study and implement specific initiatives and monitor the results. The Sustainability Committee deliberates the contents of initiatives and the monitoring of results, and the contents of these deliberations are presented and reported to the Board of Directors. We have built a structure by which responses to issues are properly carried out under the supervision of the Board of Directors and the directions of representative Directors.


Regarding the impact of climate change on the business activities and profit of the Group, we identified risks and opportunities by referring to climate change scenarios, such as those of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Furthermore, the Group aims to achieve a 50% reduction by FY2030 from the level of the Group’s Scope 1 + Scope 2 GHG emissions in FY2021, and in our recent scenario analysis, we similarly use 2030 as a timeframe for analysis.

Reference Scenarios

Climate Change-Related Risks and Opportunities

Risk management

The risk management related to climate change is embedded in the risk management for sustainability in general. Against risks related to climate change, the Sustainability Committee and the Working Group on Climate Change will take specific countermeasures and monitor indicators that result from those countermeasures.

Indicators and targets

As part of its policy toward achieving a decarbonized society, the Group’s has set targets of achieving a 50% reduction by FY2030 from the level of the Group’s Scope 1 + Scope 2 GHG emissions in FY2021, and achieving carbon neutrality by FY2050. To achieve these targets, we will work to reduce GHG emissions from our business activities.

ISO Management System

Elematec Corporation contributes to the creation of a better society through its environmental conservation and quality assurance activities. As ecology becomes increasingly important to people throughout the world, companies unavoidably have to face up to environmental problems. Not merely seeking to turn a profit, our company is actively engaged in the conservation of the environment for the good of all humanity. Each and every one of our employees has an awareness of the global environment and the quality assurance challenges associated with the products we supply. By encouraging the reduction of harmful substances in the products we handle we seek to provide both products and services that will make a positive and meaningful contribution to the environment and society as a whole.


Our Environmental Philosophy

ISO policy

  1. We make use of the ISO system to promote net sales and profits and to make a return to society.
  2. We make effective use of the ISO system in order to deliver high-quality products and services.
  3. We work for continuous improvement of operations and legal compliance in order to fulfill our social responsibilities.
  4. We devote efforts to reducing environmental burden and controlling chemical substances as part of our action on the environment.
  5. We work for a deeper understanding of the conservation of biological diversity and study of conflict minerals.
  6. We try the reduction of the risk by risk management.
Sustainability MENU